No more copper and cluttered wirings for an automation solution, Lonestar products/solutions give you with the wireless options. control your lights, play your top pick music, make a cup of coffee or alter your room temperature. SOS features, Personalised Messaging options, Schedule your devices, Let the robot vaccum Clean your home when you are at work. Set the mood lighting as per the occassion, automatically control your curtains with mood controls, Water the garden, lock or unlock you door. control the water pumps, change your room temperature, Control your aquarium lights and filter cycles, Automatically feed your fishes on time, Rotate the aquarium water based on water quality parameters. Monitor your home and dear and near ones, Experience artificial intelligence at your service. Automatically turn devices off when you leave for work. Simply talk to your virtual voice assistant, and ask it to do anything for you– be it ordering groceries to solving a math problem, control numerous devices at your voice commands, track your parcels and announce the delivery schedule.
Abhishek Sir Web Indore: Our solution works with our smartphone app, voice command or with physical touch for the conservatives depending on the models – but all comes in an elegant design. Most importantly our solution integrates pretty with all the major products like Alexa and Google home.
We are differentiated with our top nothch , personalized and customised products that can be retrofitted with existing home wirings in most cases. Our comprehensive solution comes with world class components and our peace of mind customer care facilities.
Abhishek Sir Web Indore: A comprehensive AI based framework for your domestic needs based on natural language processing technologies with your favourite voice assistant. Why not order your favourite pizza ore book your itenerary , check your schedule or book your favourite stay …